
HUAWEIWATCHFITSpecialEditionfeaturesalightweightbodyofjust21gandisonly10.7mmthin.10ItsgorgeousAMOLEDdisplay1withultra-clearpixel ...,供應中TheHuaweiFitisdesignedtosupportyourgoalswithwaterresistanceupto5ATM,ensuringyoucanwearitduringworkoutsorunderwateractivities.,Metis,MES-B19MES-B19isasmartwristbandthatintegratesfunctionsofsportassistant,sleepmonitoring.Ithelpsyoulearnaboutyourhealthstatus.,...

HUAWEI WATCH FIT Special Edition

HUAWEI WATCH FIT Special Edition features a lightweight body of just 21 g and is only 10.7 mm thin. 10 Its gorgeous AMOLED display 1 with ultra-clear pixel ...

Huawei Fit Smartwatch - Heart Rate & Sleep Monitor

供應中 The Huawei Fit is designed to support your goals withwater resistance up to 5ATM, ensuring you can wear it during workouts or underwater activities.

huawei technologies co l t d MES B19

Metis, MES-B19 MES-B19 is a smart wrist band that integrates functions of sport assistant, sleep monitoring. It helps you learn about your health status.

簡約運動智慧錶,HUAWEI FIT 開箱試用

HUAWEI FIT 是以運動追蹤為主的智慧手錶,它本身內建多種運動追蹤功能,包括跑步、走路、游泳、跑步機、自行車等,在運動追蹤之後,可在手機的「華為運動健康 ...


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HUAWEI WATCH FIT mini具有經典矩型腕表設計,並搭載全天候健康管理、2周超長續航;還有女性生理週期管理、全天候血氧偵測以及96種運動模式,不僅能提供守護你的健康更是 ...

HUAWEI FIT Repair and Service

Get repair assistance, find a nearby service store, and learn about spare parts prices, warranty policies, and more services for your device.

Huawei 華為Fit (MES

適用系統:Android 4.4+ / iOS 8.0, 顯示屏尺寸:1.04吋, 時間顯示:有, 藍牙:支援, 心率感應器:有, 防水等級:IP68, 比較Huawei 華為Fit (MES-B19) 智能手錶價格, ...